This is a surprisingly common question. The treatment of pain requires a dedication to the patient that surpasses that in many medical fields, that is because often patients do not get better with one injection or a single medication. At Kansas Pain management we are committed to sticking with you throughout your treatment with us. We believe a balanced approach is the only way to treat pain, and will do our best to help you regardless of the origin of your pain.

Kansas Pain Management accepts most insurance plans, including government-sponsored plans and private commercial insurances. Our complete list of accepted insurances changes frequently, so be sure to call our office (913-339-9437) or your insurer to verify contracting status. Kansas Pain Management accepts most plans.
For MRI, we accept all carriers listed above except:

– Aetna
– Cigna

Additionally, medical liens and some insurances not listed above are accepted on a case-by-base basis. If your insurance company is not listed above, please call our knowledgeable front desk staff at 913-339-9437 for more information. Our office staff will work with you to explain your insurance benefits to you which often involves out of network benefits. We will work with you to make sure that if you are out of network we set up a plan that makes it affordable for you to see us.

Our doctors focus on advanced interventional pain so our office can treat nearly any kind of pain. You can count on a thorough examination and your doctor will recommend the treatment option that he or she believes will best treat your condition. As for what procedures we offer, veiw our list of traditional as well as cutting edge procedures available to our patients. You will find a complete list of procedures, pain information and a whole lot more.

For clinic appointments, patients are requested to arrive fifteen minutes before their scheduled appointment time. If you are being seen by one of our providers for the first time, please arrive an additional fifteen minutes early to ensure that you have adequate time to complete our New Patient Intake paperwork.

If you prefer, you can download, print and complete this paperwork prior to your visit, using this link: Click here to download our New Patient Intake Paperwork. If you bring your completed paperwork with you, please arrive fifteen minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.

For procedures, patients need to arrive one hour before their scheduled procedure time. It takes time to prepare for your procedure including check-in, changing, blood work, IV’s. We just want to make sure we have enough time to give you truly great care and not rush anything.

Because each insurance company has it own requirements and process for authorization, it can be hard to predict how long your authorization will take. Some only take a few days, while others can take weeks for your insurance company to approve.

In certain cases, patients can significantly expedite their authorization by contacting their insurance provider directly. You can always check on the status of your authorization request by calling our Auth Department at 913-339-9437.

What are your Hours of operation? Where are you located? We have conveniently located offices in the surrounding Overland Park, KS. Please refer to our Contact Us page for hours, locations, and driving directions.

Yes. Opioid medications should only be taken when in moderate to severe pain. These should not be taken around the clock unless pain is moderate to severe. Other medications such as anti-inflammatories, tylenol, muscle relaxants, and nerve pain medications can be used for mild to moderate pain before reaching for opioid pain medications.

Opioid pain medications have the potential to induce euphoria, an altered state of mind associated with pleasurable emotions. Patients can become accustomed to this sensation. This is different from addiction, which is typically when someone breaks family, social, or occupational obligations to obtain more medication legally or illegally. The medications can lead to physical dependence, which occurs when patients experience withdrawal symptoms should they not take their medication soon enough after the most recent dose.

If pain has become chronic then it is unlikely to disappear completely. However, with multimodal pain management, chronic pain patients can expect to set realistic goals focusing on activities and tasks that they would like to do with lower intensity of pain. 100% relief of chronic pain is unrealistic; rather, setting goals focused on function and activity such that pain does not interfere as much is often achievable.
It depends. Patients usually follow up in the clinic after the first injection within 2-3 weeks to assess pain and function. If goals have been achieved at that time then there is no need for another injection. If pain relief is 50% or less, lasts <3 months, and continues to impact quality of life and function, then another injection is recommended. This is typically performed via another approach or a different steroid is used.
24-48 hours most often. However, rarely some patients do not experience the effect of steroid for up to 2 weeks.
The most painful part of the vast majority of procedures is the numbing of the skin and tissue underneath the target. Usually this is in the very beginning of the procedure. The numbing medication feels like a stinging sensation, then vanishes quickly. Sometimes when the needle is near a nerve root patients can feel pain down into the leg but this is transient and can be resolved by repositioning the needle.
Not necessarily. Unless the pain is debilitating and patients cannot walk, perform regular activities of daily living, sleep, or function on a daily basis, surgery is used as a last resort option. Surgery, like all other medical treatments, is not 100% effective and is reserved for the right patient. However, if patients lose control of their bladder/bowel, experience numbness or tingling around their genitals or rectum, or experience imbalance while walking or progressive lower or upper extremity weakness or numbness/tingling, then urgent surgical evaluation is warranted.
This depends on what injection/procedure is being performed. We may repeat joint injections every 3-4 months and epidural injections four times a year.
This can vary from patient to patient. For epidural injections, some patients get immediate relief from the numbing medication, but the steroid can take 3-7 days to begin to have a positive effect. For medial branch blocks (diagnostic test prior to Radiofrequency Ablations) we overall expect short-term relief. It is advised to keep a pain diary for the first 24 hours following the procedure.
Pain medication, while helpful, often cannot provide complete relief of pain. The goal when treating chronic pain is not necessarily to become pain-free, but often to improve quality of life.
This can vary from patient to patient. We will follow up with you after each injection, often 2-3 weeks following injection, to assess effectiveness and discuss further treatment options.
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